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La Notte degli Assi arrives in Mendrisio

If there is a tournament that represents the beginnings of poker in Italy, it is certainly La Notte degli Assi. The first editions are now lost in the mists of time, when at these latitudes Texas Hold’em was still far from being a mass phenomenon. Over the last 20 years, many tournaments have been born and have faded away, and the Live Poker phenomenon itself has been transformed suddenly and repeatedly. The latest evolutions have been due to the pandemic that we are still experiencing. And yet, in spite of all these vicissitudes that have accompanied the ups and downs of the poker world over the last few decades, the charm and tradition linked to La Notte degli Assi are still there, unchanged and unperturbed. Since its inception, La Notte degli Assi has written memorable pages of Italian and international poker. It has been the guest of many Casinos in Southern Europe, of the most important Italian Poker Rooms and has even travelled to Africa. Among others, we remember the first historical editions of the Casino of Campione, the absolute debut of Italian Poker in Malta and some exotic locations like Sharm-El-Sheikh. In all its travels and despite changes in the tastes and habits of the poker community, La Notte degli Assi has maintained its structure and audience intact. For this reason, the newborn Admiral Poker Room, largely dedicated to Italian players, could not miss hosting the historic poker brand. Hence the idea of the Casino of Mendrisio to organise a Main Event in the Platinum version, with a buy-in of €900+100 and an original structure with the Notte degli Assi brand.

The prestigious poker event will take place from 23 to 29 May and will also include two maxi satellites and two side events, in particular a Hold’em High Roller and a Pot Limit Omaha tournament. Satellites and side events will also be organised by Imperium in Milan, owner of the La Notte degli Assi brand. The detailed programme of events which will take place in May at the Admiral Poker Room in Mendrisio will be published shortly.