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The “Admiral Poker League” promotion is intended for all cash game players of the Admiral Poker Room. Employees of Casino Mendrisio and close family members of the same (wife, husband, parents, brothers, sisters, children) are excluded from the promotion.
The promotion is active from February 1, 2025 to March 31, 2025.

Who it is aimed at:

Participation in the promotion is not automatic, but voluntary.
The interested player announces to the Floorman, when applying for a seat at the Admiral Poker Room cash game table, his willingness to participate in the “Admiral Poker League”. The Floorman fills out the dedicated file at the Pitstand’s pc where the player’s first name, last name (or a pseudonym), time of arrival, amount of chips with which the game session begins, and any “afternoon bonus,” as well as the dinner break, are noted.
At the time the player leaves the table, he or she must notify the Floorman of the closing of his or her playing session so that the closing time and the total points acquired by the player are noted on the form.
The player is responsible for checking that his or her points are correctly assigned.
It is mandatory to use one’s name when registering in the leaderboard, however, it is possible to request to the Floorman that one’s name not appear on the updated leaderboard published at by registering under a pseudonym one’s acquired points.
You can see the updated leaderboard at

Score Allocation:

“Admiral Points” are awarded according to the number of hours spent and based on the amount of tokens with which the player decides to sit at the cash game tables.
For both Hold’em and Omaha tables, points are awarded for every 2 hours of play.
For Hold’em 2-5 and Omaha 5-5 tables, the following points are awarded based on the amount of tokens the player first sits with during GD:

      • from 200 € (table minimum) up to 500 €, player receives 10 points every 2 hours

      • from 501 € up to 999 € player receives 15 points every 2 hours

      • with the maximum of the table (1’000 €) player receives 20 points every 2 hours.
        Player 1 sits at the table at 6 p.m. with €750 declaring his playing session open.
        At 8 p.m. the player will have accumulated 15 points.
        At 10 pm the player will have accumulated 30 points.
        At 11 p.m. Player 1 leaves the table, ending his playing session with 30 Admiral Points.

    For Hold’em 5-10 and Omaha 10-10 tables, the following scores are awarded based on the amount of chips the player first sits with during GD:

        • from €500 (table minimum) up to €999, player receives 15 points every 2 hours

        • from 1’000 € up to 1’999 €, player receives 20 points every 2 hours

        • with the maximum of the table (2’000 €) player receives 25 points every 2 hours.
          At 6 p.m. Player 2 sits at the table with €1,500 declaring his game session open.
          At 8 p.m. Player 2 will have accumulated 20 points.
          At 10 pm he will have accumulated 40 points.
          At 11 p.m. Player 2 leaves the table concluding his playing session with 40 Admiral Points.
          For tables with higher limits, 30 points are awarded every two hours regardless of the amount of tokens put in play.
          Any subsequent repurchase of tokens does not result in a change of Admiral Points award.

      All players seated between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. receive double points for the first 2 hours of play whatever table ceiling they are seated at.

      Player sits at 4 p.m. with €1,000 at the 2/5 Hold’em table. He gets up at 9 p.m. The player will have accumulated 60 points.
      The playing time starts the moment the player sits at the table or is placed on the waiting list.
      In case of opening a (new) table, the promotion is active even with a table not yet operational until the number of 3 players at the table is reached. In that case, if the table does not become operational, the player’s minute count is suspended and the actual start time of his session coincides with the time when the table at which he is seated becomes operational.

      Breaks granted:

      The actual time spent at the tables is counted for scoring purposes; after an absence of more than 15 minutes, the player’s tokens may be removed to yield the chair to players on the waiting list.
      In this case, the player’s time is interrupted and resumes from zero the moment he or she returns to sit at the table. During play, a 45-minute dinner break is allowed in the 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. slot.
      The dinner break must be expressly declared to the Floorman, otherwise the counting of Admiral Points is stopped after 15 minutes.
      After the 45 minutes allowed for the dinner break has passed, the player’s daily minute count is stopped and the player’s stack can be safely removed from the table.
      In the event that the player has removed his or her chips from the table during the dinner break and the player returns no later than the 45 minutes allowed, if there is a waiting list, the counting for the ranking will not be interrupted and the player has the right to sit down first as soon as a seat becomes available at the Admiral Poker Room tables.
      Whether or not to remove the tokens of players absent for a period longer than permitted by the rules is subject to the Floorman’s decision.
      It is the Floorman’s right to sanction up to daily disqualification from the “Admiral Poker League,” the player who deliberately spends too much time away from the table.

      Division of the prize pool:

      The total prize pool of the “Admiral Poker League” promotion is set at euro 20,000 and in no case may be higher.
      The rankings will reward the top 5 finishers with a ticket worth 550 euros that can be used to register for the “Night of the Aces” tournament scheduled at the Casino Admiral in Mendrisio from September 11 to 21, 2025. The remaining prize pool (euro 17,250) will be divided among the 15 players who have accumulated the most points during the promotion period.
      Each player’s prize will be derived by multiplying the result of the division between the total prize pool and the sum of the points of the top 15 finishers, by the player’s total points. In the event of a tie for 15th place, the 15th-ranked players will divide the 15th prize equally. In no case may the sum of prizes exceed the prize pool of 20,000 euros.